Sunday 24 July 2011

Don't submit yourself to a game machine!

(This is a translation of a post in my Finnish blog)

Some generations ago, when people said they were playing a game, they usually meant a social leisure activity that followed a commonly decided set of rules. The devices used for gaming were very simple, and the games themselves were purely in the minds of the players. It was possible to play thousands of different games with a single constant deck of cards, and it was possible for anyone to invent new games and variants.

Technological progress brought us "intelligent" gaming devices that reduced the possibility of negotiation. It is not possible to suggest an interesting rule variant to a pinball machine or a one-handed bandit; the machine only implements the rules it is built for. Changing the game requires technical skill and a lot of time, something most people don't have. As a matter of fact, most people aren't even interested in the exact rules of the game, they just care about the fun.

Nowadays, people have submitted ever bigger portions of their lives to "gaming machines" that make things at least superficially easier and simpler, but whose internal rules they don't necessarily understand at all. A substantial portion of today's social interaction in developed countries, for example, takes place in on-line social networking services. Under their hoods, these services calculate things like message visibility -- that is, which messages and whose messages are supposed to be more important for a given user. For most people, however, it seems to be completely OK that a computer owned by a big, distant corporation makes such decisions for them using a secret set of rules. They just care about the fun.

It has always been easy to use the latest media to manipulate people, as it takes time from the audience to develop criticism. When writing was a new thing, most people would regard any text as a "word of God" that was true just because it was written. In comparison, today's people have a thick wall of criticism against any kind of non-interactive propaganda, be that textual, aural or visual, but whenever a game-like interaction is introduced, we often become completely vulnerable. In short, we know how to be critical about an on-line news items but not how to be critical about the "like" and "share" buttons under them.

Video games, in many ways, surpasses traditional passive media in the potential of mental manipulation. A well-known example is the so-called Tetris effect caused by a prolonged playing of a pattern-matching game. The game of Tetris "programs" its player to constantly analyze the on-screen wall of blocks and mentally fit different types of tetrominos in it. When a player stops playing after several hours, the "program" may remain active, causing the player to continue mentally fitting tetrominos on outdoor landscapes or whatever they see in their environment. Other kinds of games may have other kinds of effects. I have personally also experienced an "adventure game effect" that caused me to unwillingly think about real-world things and locations from the point of view of "progressing in the script". Therefore, I don't think it is a very far-fetched idea that spending a lot of time on an interactive website gives our brains a permission to adapt to the "game mechanics" and unnoticeably alter the way how we look at the world.

So, is this a real threat? Are they already trying to manipulate our minds in game-mechanical means, and how? There has been perhaps even too much criticism of Facebook compared to other social networking sites, but I'm now it as an example as it is currently the most familiar one for the wide audience.

As many people probably understand already, Facebook's customer base doesn't consist of the users (who pay nothing for the service) but of marketeers who want their products to be sold. The users can be thought as mere raw material that can be refined to better fit the requirements of the market. This is most visible in the user profile mechanic that encourages users to define themselves primarily with multiple choices and product fandom. The only space in the profile that allows for a longer free text has been laid below all the "more important things". Marketeers don't want personal profile pages but realiable statistics, high-quality consumption habit databases and easily controllable consumers.

The most prominent game-mechanical element in Facebook is "Like", which affects nearly everything on the site. It is a simple and easily processable signal whose use is particularly encouraged. In its internal game, Facebook scores users according to how active "likers" they are, and gives more visibility to the messages of those users that score higher. Moderate users of Facebook, who use their whole brain to consider what to "Like" or not or what to share and not, gain less points and less visibility. This is how Facebook rewards the "virtuous" users and punishes the "sinful" ones.

What about those users who actually want to understand the inner workings of the service, in order to use it better for their own purposes? Facebook makes this very difficult, and I believe it is on purpose. The actual rules of the game haven't been documented anywhere, so users need to follow intuitive guesses or experiment with the thing. If a user actually manages to reverse-engineer part of the black box, he or she can never trust that it continues to work in the same way. The changes in the rules of the internal game can be totally unpredictable. This discourages users from even trying to understand the game they are playing and encourages them to trust the control of their private lives to the computers of a big, distant company.

Of course, Facebook is not representative of all forms of on-line sociality. The so-called imageboards, for example, are diagonally opposite to Facebook in many areas: totally uncommercial and simple-to-understand sites where real names or even pseudonyms are rarey used. As these sites function totally differently from Facebook, it can be guessed that they also affect their users' brains in a different way.

Technically, imageboards resemble discussion boards, but with the game-mechanical difference that they encourage a faster, more spontaneous communication which usually feels more like a loud attention-whoring contest than actual discussion. A lot of the imageboard culture can be explained as mere consequences of the mechanics. The fact that images are often more prominent than text in threads makes it possible for users to superficially skim around the pictures and only focus on the parts that seize their attention. This contributes to the fast tempo that invites the users to react very quickly and spontaneously, usually without any means of identification, as if as part of a rebellious mob. The belief in radical anonymity and hivemind power have ultimately become some kind of core values of the imageboard culture.

The possibility of anonymous commentary gives us a much greater sense of freedom than we get by using our real name or even a long-term pseudonym. Anonymous provocateurs don't need to be afraid of losing their face. They feel free to troll around from the bottom of their heart, looking for moments of "lulz" they get by heating someone up. The behavior is probably familiar to anyone who has been reading anonymous comments on news websites or toilet walls. Imageboards just take this kind of behavior to its logical extreme, basing all of its social interaction on a spontaneous mob behavior.

Critics of on-line culture, such as Lanier and Rushkoff, have often expressed their concern of how on-line socialization trivializes our view of other people. Instead of interacting with living people with rich personalities, we seem to be increasingly dealing with lists, statistics and faceless mobs who we interact with using "Like", "Block" and "Add Friend" buttons. I'm also concerned about this. Even when someone rationally understands on the rational level that this is just an abstraction required by the means of communication to work, we may accidentally and unnoticeably become programmed by the "Tetris effects" of these media. Awareness and criticism may very well reduce the risk, but I don't believe they can make anyone totally immune.

So, what can we do? Should we abandon social networking sites altogether to save the humanity of the human race? I don't think denialism helps anything. Instead, we should learn how to use the potential of interactive social technology in constructive rather than destructive means. We should develop new game mechanics that, instead of promoting collective stupidity and dehumanization, augment the positive sides of humanity and encourage us to improve ourselves. But is this anything great masses could become interested in? Do they any longer care about whether they remain as independent individuals? Perhaps not, but we can still hope for the best.


Patapom said...
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Patapom said...

viznut said...

@Patapom: If this were Facebook, I would definitely Like that picture.

art said...

This is a RE to, CC & FWD of your Pan-Hacker Culture article. What I feel you're talking about here is a level of understanding that has affected a very many aspects of un-popular computer culture. But before I dive into the "what do we do" part of this, i'll linger a bit on the meaningful aspects of the fun associated with knowing the technology: the workings of the game, the code behind the demo, the script behind the like button, the over-floating behind the under-standing. More than anything it has had a profound effect on youth. And young minds ripe with thought and awarded by birth an inquisitive nature will find this way of preferring the under-growths of stream no matter what happens up at the surface or how much fear we may pour into our writing. So I think it only appropriate to consider a few great examples of how a set game of rules was crept into, discovered, revealed, exposed, and uninhibitedly messed with to produce nothing else but desirably better and funner results. Such examples include but are not limited to:

art said...

* Mapping culture for FPS, especially:
--* id engine based games like quake, counterstrike, and most recently team fortress
* Modding culture
--* for FPS
----* back to all the different half-life/half-life 2 mods
------* garry's mod probably deserves it's own little corner right here thanks
--* for RTS
----* the best example i can concieve of when it comes to modding RTS games, and personally the most meaningful example when it comes to this discussion, is the last leg of the 2D command & conquer series. namely, all the westwood stuff. specifically, Tiberian Sun. when i first got a burned cd given to me of tiberian sun, i played the game until i dreamt of banshees and armies of titans. better yet was when i stumbled upon the Underlying root... the rules of the game. and it only relates to your article so ideally as to have the primary ruleset of the game stored in a single file, completely legible in notepad, called "rules.ini". this file had the straps and the ligaments for how the hierarchy of structures worked within the game. it could effectively change every weapon of every unit into something else. change speed, strength, cost, speed of construction, etc... much could be changed. eventually it was discovered that you could add a custom race in and draw from scratch a ruleset to this new breed of players. the ultimate feeling over my head when i first discovered this was like finding out there was a writted document under the chessboard that could not only mess with the tiles, and movement of the pieces, but include more than the two sides. this broke my head and i spend much time playing with a program called "TibEd" modifying and experimenting with various ways of making the game horribly imbalanced and essentially unplayable. that's what kind of happens when you first figure out something. it's a big explosion into an unknown, and it's very haphazard. so was personal computing at large. and now we are here with this mess of web 2.0 shit and we dread looking forward to web 3.0, becuase all along we prefer web 0, the big umbra that first enveloped our workaholic stay-at-home human race and offered infinite pixel-lit release into vast empty highly structured space, that once understood and realized, turned into vast empty highly chaotic and slightly hilarous space. point blank, the shit was funny. i really miss that about social computing, or computing at all. going back to counterstrike, quite possibly one of the coolest things in gaming happened when "Surfing" was invented on half-life based physics engines, where holding the L or R strafe key while on the side of a mathematically adjusted include essentially had you gravitate towards the top of the incline rather than down, which makes OK sense until you send the other axis of the incline (the one going forward and away from you; the incline being to your side) shifting progressively downwards, until you start "sliding" by the side of this inclide, accelerating to a previously unachievable velocity within the game. as a result, surfing maps were massive geometric shapes, with tiny "landing spots" made of a water "brush entity" to stop the player from being damaged by the fall, cause so say the game rules. so the rules of the game were messed with mostly via a single variable change: speed.

art said...

other examples include Worms Armageddon, a community still active to an increasingly fleshed out degree taht would take an equally long paragraph to describe.

Overall, I think the best thing to do with a realization such as the one that both of these articles are directed at is to go ahead and involve ourselves in those projects, keep our minds sharp by piercing through the stuff, sharpen that Рог on our head and stay with the laughter. Maybe commence in building a discussion-based community unlike the imageboard that encourages, through it's very rules.ini, to read and write and investigate further into whatever the child brain finds intriguing.



viznut said...

Hey, thanks for your insight!

I've been thinking for some time already that we need more "emergent gameplay" in the real world. Of course, people such as anarchists and avant-garde artists have been doing this for a long time, but now we have entered an era of history where society and culture are closer to video games than ever. Today, we can quite fruitfully get ideas and philosophies from computer subcultures and expand them to the "real-world game machines" without getting far off the reality.

In the purest sense, "emergent gameplay" doesn't change any rules but just the spirit in which they are interpreted. Anti-advertisements use the established marketing language to deliver messages the language was never intended for. Similarly, when using a social media site, one can identify the suggestions of the underlying game mechanics and use the mechanics for totally different purposes.

"Rules.ini hacking" belongs to another level. I guess that people who are strongly involved with may develop a strong sense in how changes in the game mechanics can affect in what emerges out of it, and this may be a powerful tool in understanding existing mechanisms in society and automatic social systems. In general, I've always thought there should be more exploration to the infinite space of possible cultures, norms and social mechanisms, because we really need to know how these things work in order to build something better. Here, hobbyist and activist experimenters are just as important as scholars and theoreticians.

Of course, there's still another level -- the level where the very basic axioms are laid. Most of my experience in game-related rules.ini hacking" comes from the Civilization family. It is possible to change everything that defines the units, buildings, advancements, terrain types and the like, but
regardless of how you change it, the game remains essentially a variant of Empire. A military-oriented, top-to-down-hierarchial model of society. You can't turn it into a bottom-up individual-oriented game, you need to rethink
and rewrite the very basics. When experimenting with different rulesets, we also need people who question the basic axioms and look for alternatives.

ack said...

A bit of 'classical' music in 25 chars? Sure :-)

ack said...

v2.0, now with percussion :-)

ack said...

Last one for today, I promise:

ack said...


Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

The "all social interaction as spontanios moba activity" quality of imageboards is only found on the most populace boards. IE, 4chan /b/, /v/, /g/, /pol/, etc. where its big and fast enough people use it like a kind of anonymous IRC with pictures(it was A LOT like that before post time limits were introdcued).
Small boards even on 4chan, and certainly on smaller such sites dont have much of that quality at all. they certainly have the other qualities, such as "no fear of losing face" which leads for bad to contentless trolling and for good to stubborn refusal to defang and soften ones stance, and the distance inability to form friendships on the platform that comes with anonymity, but small boards and sites dont have anything like that "spontanious mob" or "skimming over the images looking only for the text that grabs yoru attention" quality. even when its just stupid jokes people focus more on the text too. 4taba or sushi, hell even lainchan(last I remember it at least) or early 2010s 4/jp/ at 2am dont engender anything like the same feeling, attitude, or, I think, programming as 4chan /v/, /g/, or god forbid /pol/ just after school gets out.
of course I'm biased since I grew up with them, but I think imageboards are a net good, not at all an inverse of facebook or something.
I only notice now that this post is from 2011. Huh.

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Kohrokho said...

Figured since you were talking about 'the youth', I might as well throw my hat in. I have been trying to work backwards from what I'm being given in giant baked-cake operating system distributions, back away from things people write that I use and consume without a second thought, to things that I can understand and am expected to control. I feel like a lot of 'game mechanics' problems arise from that - systems you are not expected to experiment with or control, just 'play along'.

I think as long as people remember that it's their life, their computer, and their interaction - not means for a specific goal, but used for whatever reason they want, even for no good reason, things will be alright.

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